Yuriy Manchik

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    Yuriy Manchik is referenced as an important professional in 3 wikis.

    Creative Makeup Work by makeup artist Gunnhildur Birna demonstrating Creative Makeup in a photoshoot of Brynja G/Eskimo.Photo: Juila and Yuriy Manchik Model: Brynja G/Eskimo Hair: Katrin Sif Jonsdottir Makeup: Gunnhildur Birna Wardrobe: Eyglo/ Kron by KronKron/ Milla Snorrason/ Helicopter
    Creative Makeup Work by makeup artist Gunnhildur Birna demonstrating Creative Makeup.Photo: Juila and Yuriy Manchik Models: Brynja G/Eskimo and Fanney Hair: Katrin Sif Jonsdottir Makeup: Gunnhildur Birna Wardrobe: Eyglo/ Kron by KronKron/ Milla Snorrason/ Helicopter
    Creative Makeup Work by makeup artist Gunnhildur Birna demonstrating Creative Makeup in a photoshoot of Brynja G/Eskimo.Photo: Juila and Yuriy Manchik Model: Brynja G/Eskimo Hair: Katrin Sif Jonsdottir Makeup: Gunnhildur Birna Wardrobe: Eyglo/ Kron by KronKron/ Milla Snorrason/ Helicopter